The Future of Induction Video and its Software.

I’ll look back on 2019 with fondness, as it was the year that our site Induction Videos and the Induction Software that powers it, really started to get traction. Yeah, we still get the odd ones saying they’d prefer to stick to “death by power-point” and incredibly they still want to print and file the paperwork away….in duplicate! (Yes, really?) But many more organisations are now realising that that’s just too old school and they know they need to move with the times. They want to be a Netflix not a Blockbuster, they want to be more organised, more cost effective and more environmentally responsible. They want to lead the pack and not just follow. Too many popular businesses have gone to the wall over the years for the simple reason that they couldn’t embrace change, they couldn’t embrace the future of technology. Was that because they were frightened of it? Perhaps we’ll never know but the successful businesses always look for change and constantly search for how they can do it better. That where our development of Induction Videos and the Induction Videos all started.
And we’ve never stopped developing our Induction Video Software. (We’re always looking to develop something new that’ll make life even easier and slicker for our customers.) In fact, just this January after months of development we’ve added…
** A National CSCS Card Database Checker ** A CSCS Card renewal reminder ** Worker site blocking. ** On Line Forms and Signatures. ** Weighted questionnaires to give auto alerts. See more here:

Because our customers never stop developing then neither will we. It’s them that drive us! So, to all our old customers old and new, thank you for 2019 and let’s look forward to an even better 2020